RAF base Graveley


Graveley is situated north of Cambridge


iIn the months prior to the start of the Second World War  35th Squadron for a number of months was a training regiment. April 1940 the regiment went up in no. 17 OTU.

November 1940 the squadron was reformed, was equipped with Handley Page Halifaxes and was used on missions above France.

De Halifax 685 HR Mark 2 was built by Handley Page Ltd Criddewood & Radlett between August 1942 en February 1943. The amplitude was 31.76 m and the length was 21.82 m. the height of the plane was 6.32 m. 

Restanten van de controle toren


The Halifax was provided with  turrets at the front, middle and at the rear. During WW2 the halifax and lancaster bombers worde the code "TL". 


August 1942 the Pathfinder Force was founded. The aim of this force was to see to it that the bombardments would be more concentrated and effective then before. This goal was established by throwing off fire bombs and torches by very experienced crews equiped with the best navigation sets. 35th Squadrons was one of the five squadrons that was selected for this job.


Farmhouse at the former airfield

Part of the former runway


The Pathfinder Force was first used 18 to 19 August 1942 when Flensburg was attacked. the new strategy proofed to be succesfull. The very experienced pilot Tom Lane was also present at this mission.


May1943  Graveley became an independent base. the eirfield had three concrete and four hangars. The airfield code was  “GR”. This code was necessary for the crew to find back the airfield. At about five miles from the airfield was a land-mark on which the lettres "GR" flashed in morse codes. Like others the airfield was equiped with the FIDO system. Along the ruways were petrol pipelines. When it became foggy the petrol was heated. Its warmth let the fog dissapear and also in this way the runways were lightened. Many crews ow their life to this system,

Th maharadja of Madras

The maharadja of Madras played an important financial role. Besides 35th squadron he supported a number of other squadrons. In return the squadron was named “Madras Presidency Squadron”.

Each plane carried the name of a state in the Maharadja district. Halifax HR-685, carried the name of the Kistna state.


The photographs below were taken during a visit of the Maharadja of Madras at Graveley

35th Squadron visited by the Maharadja van Madras

35th Squadron visited by the Maharadja van Madras. In fornt a bomb. that for security reasons had to be erased


The Maharadja helding a speech


The Maharadja inspecting  35th Squadron; in the enlargement:

in front Jim Janes, behind him in the dark blue uniform of the R.A.A.F. Peter Balson